Page:Tragedies of Sophocles (Plumptre 1878).djvu/474

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Neop. What shall I do, Ο Zeus? Once more be found
A villain, hiding things I should not hide,
And speaking words most shameful?

Phil. This man seems,
Unless my judgment errs, about to sail,910
Betraying and deserting me.

Neop. Not so;
'Tis not deserting thee that tortures me,
But lest I take thee to thine own distress.

Phil. What means this, boy? I do not grasp thy scope.

Neop. I will hide nought. Thou must to Troïa sail,
To those Atreidæ and the Argive host.

Phil. Ah me! what say'st thou?

Neop. Groan not till thou know.

Phil. What knowledge? What meanest thou to do with me?

Neop. To save thee from this evil first, and then
With thee to go and ravage Troïa's plains.920

Phil. And dost thou think, indeed, to do all this?

Neop. A stern necessity compels; and thou,
Hear me, and be not angry.

Phil. I am lost,
Ah me! betrayed. What hast thou done to me,
Ο stranger? Give me back my bow again.

Neop. That may not be. To list to those that rule
Both with the right, and mine own good accords.

Phil. Thou fire, thou utter mischief, masterpiece
Of craft most hateful, how thou treated'st me,
Yea, how deceived'st! Art thou not ashamed,
Thou wretch, to look on me thy suppliant,930
Fleeing to thee for succour? Taking these,
My arrows, thou dost rob me of my life;
Restore them, I beseech thee, I implore,