Page:Tragedies of Sophocles (Plumptre 1878).djvu/486

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Odys. O Zeus, what now? Thou wilt not give it him?

Neop. Yea, for I gained it basely, not of right.

Odys. By all the Gods, dost thou say this to mock me?

Neop. If it be mockery but to speak the truth.

Odys. Son of Achilles, what is this thou say'st?

Neop. Shall I then twice or thrice repeat the words?

Odys. I had not wished to hear them even once.

Neop. Know, thou hast heard whatever I had to say.1240

Odys. There is one, yea, there is, will stop thy deed.

Neop. What say'st thou? Who shall stop my doing it?

Odys. The whole Achæan host, and I with them.

Neop. Wise though thou be, thou dost not wisely speak.

Odys. Thou neither speakest wise things nor devisest.

Neop. If they be just, then are they more than wise.

Odys. And how can it be just to cast away
That which my counsels gave thee?

Neop. Having sinned
A shameful sin, I now would make amends.

Odys. And fear'st thou not the Achæan host, doing this?1250

Neop. My cause being just, I share not that thy fear;
[Odysseus prepares to attack Neoptolemos.
Nor will I yield to this thy violence.

Odys. Not with the Troïans, then, I fight, but thee.

Neop. What must be, let it.

Odys. [Laying hand on his sword.] Ha! And dost thou see
My right hand grasp the hilt?

Neop. [Drawing his sword.] See then that I
Can do the same as thou, in act, not threat.

Odys. I then will let thee go, but to the host
I will tell this, and they shall punish thee.