Page:Tragedies of Sophocles (Plumptre 1878).djvu/488

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Laertes' son and thou!

Neop. [Holding out the bow.] Curse thou no more,
But from my hand receive these weapons back.

Phil. How say'st thou? Are we tricked a second time?

Neop. No, by the holy might of highest Zeus!

Phil. Ο words most welcome, if they be but true!1290

Neop. Our acts shall make them clear; do thou put forth
Thy right hand, and be master of thine arms.

[As he is giving the bow, Odysseus appears
from behind

Odys. That I forbid, the Gods my witnesses,
In name of the Atreidæ, and the host.

Phil. Whose voice, my son, was that? What? Did I hear
Odysseus speak?

Odys. E'en so, thou see'st him near,
Who by main force will bear thee off to Troy,
Whether Achilles' son shall please or no.

Phil. [Bending his bow.] But to thy cost, if this dart
does not miss.

Neop. [Staying his arm.] Oh, by the Gods, I pray thee,
shoot it not!1300

Phil. Let loose my hand, I pray thee, dearest boy.

Neop. I will not let thee go.

Phil. Fie on thee! Why
Did'st hinder me from slaying with my dart
A man I hate, my bitter enemy?

[Odysseus steals away.

Neop. That were not good for me, nor yet for thee.

Phil. Know this then, that the chief of all the host,
The Achæans' lying heralds, they are cowards
In brunt of fight, though overbold of speech.