Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1867).djvu/233

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2. V. serpyllifolia Veronica serpyllifolia, L. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1-3.

Frequent by road-sides and in cultivated fields, ascending to 750 yards on Highfield. Var. humifusa on Cheviot in Goldscleugh (T.).

3. V. scutellata Veronica scutellata, L. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1, 2.

Frequent in swamps, especially amongst the moors, ascending to 1300 feet at the head of the Broadstruther Burn, Cheviot, and to 550 yards in Welhope, Weardale. Var. parmularia on a moor south of Bellingham (W. H. Brown!).

4. V. anagallis Veronica anagallis, L. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1.

Frequent in ditches in the low country, ascending in Coquetdale to Rothbury and Netherton, 150 yards.

5. V. beccabunga Veronica beccabunga, L. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1-3.

Common in ditches and by the side of streams, ascending to 650 yards on Highfield, 600 yards on the moor behind Allenheads.

6. V. officinalis Veronica officinalis, L. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1, 2.

Frequent on dry banks and in heathy ground, ascending to 550 yards in Harwood Dale and West Allendale.

7. V. montana Veronica montana, L. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1.

Frequent in shaded woods, ascending to 200 yards in Roddam Dene, Cheviot.

8. V. chamaedrys Veronica chamaedrys, L. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1-3.

Common in grassy places, ascending to 2000 feet on Highfield.