Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1867).djvu/297

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28. C. limosa Carex limosa, L. Native. Scottish type. Area C, N. Range 1.

Haiden Dene near Berwick, and Learmonth Bog near Cornhill (Dr. Johnston). On the moors near Wallington (Sir W. C. Trevelyan. F !), and in Baron House Bog (F !). Range 0-200 yards.

29. C. irrigua Carex irrigua, Sm. Native. Scottish type. Area N. Range 1.

In South Tynedale in the Muckle Moss near Thorngrafton, 150 yards, where it was first gathered by John Thompson.

30. C. sylvatica Carex sylvatica, Huds. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1.

Frequent in woods and thickets, ascending to Langlee-ford, Hareshaw Dene, and 350 yards in Teesdale.

31. C. pendula Carex pendula, Huds. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1.

Damp woods. Twizell Dene (P.J. Selby). Cauledge Woods near Alnwick, and by the Coquet at Warkworth (T.). By the Wansbeck at Bothal (Miss Trevelyan). In most of the lower Tyne denes, as Walbottle, Scotswood, Denton, and in Ravensworth and Gibside Woods. In Beamish and Urpeth Woods, and by the Wear near Southwick (F. R.).

32. C. glauca Carex glauca, Scop. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1-3.

Everywhere common both in damp and dry grassy places, ascending to 700 yards on Highfield.

33. C. pracox Carex caryophyllea, Jacq. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1.

Frequent on dry banks, ascending in Coquetdale to 200 yards. "Teesdale Forest," Robertson in herb.

34. C. pilulifera Carex pilulifera, L. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1, 2.

Frequent in damp grassy places, ascending to 1600 feet in Harwood Dale, 600 yards on Cheviot.