Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1867).djvu/308

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6. F. elatior Schedonorus arundinaceus, Huds. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1, 2.

Stream-sides, frequent, ascending in Teesdale to Langdon Bridge, 400 yards, in East Allendale to 450 yards in the woods round Allenheads.

7. F. pratensis Schedonorus pratensis, Huds. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1, 2.

Common in grassy places, ascending to the Main Limestone scars of Kilhope, 550 yards, and to 500 yards in East Allendale. Var. loliacea is not unfrequent. Berwick, Lesbury, Netherton, Willington, Ravensworth, Lambton, Darlington, &c.

26. BROMUS, L.

1. B. giganteus Schedonorus giganteus, L. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1.

Frequent in damp woods and thickets, ascending in Weardale to Erosterley, 200 yards.

2. B. asper Bromopsis ramosa, L. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1, 2.

Frequent on hedge-banks and in thickets, ascending to 400 yards in Weardale, 1000 feet in Teesdale, 300 yards in Allendale.

3. B. sterilis Anisantha sterilis, L. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1.

Common in the low country in dry waste ground and on hedge-banks, ascending in the Cheviot tract above Wooler, and in Coquetdale to Thropton, 150 yards.

4. B. erectus Bromopsis erecta, Huds. Native. Xerophilous. Germanic type. Area D. Range 1.

On the Magnesian Limestone near Sedgefield (Rev. A. M. Norman!).