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94 Mr. H. T, Coresrooxe on the Philosophy of the Hindus.

other, which likewise is expounded by its author, is the Nydya-sancshépa of G6vINDA-BHATTACHARYA.

Elementary works only have been here spoken of. Distinct treatises, on divers branches of the whole subject, and on various emergent topics, are innumerable. No department of science, or literature, has more engaged the attention of the Hindus, than the Nydya ; and the fruit of their lucu- brations has been an infinity of volumes, among which are compositions of very celebrated schoolmen.

The order observed both by Gérama and by Canapg, in delivering the precepts of the science which they engage to unfold, is that which has been intimated in a passage of the Védas, cited in the Bhdshya, as requisite steps of instruction and study : viz. enunciation, definition, and investiga- tion. Enunciation, (wddéSa) is the mention of a thing by its name; that is, by a term signifying it, as taught by revelation: for language is considered to have been revealed to man. Definition, (/acshana) sets forth a peculiar property, constituting the essential character of a thing. Investigation, (paricshd) consists in disquisition upon the pertinence and sufficiency of the definition. Consonantly to this, the teachers of philosophy premise the terms of the science; proceed to the definitions ; and then pass on to the examination of subjects so premised.

In a logical arrangement the “ predicaments” (paddrt’ha), or ‘ objects of proof,” are six; as they are enumerated by CANADE ;* viz. substance, quality, action, community, particularity, and aggregation or intimate re- lation: to which a seventh is added by other authors; privation or nega- tion.t Thus augmented, they compose a two-fold arrangement, positive and negative, (bhava and abhdva) the first comprising six, the latter one.t

The Baudd’has, or followers of Bupp’H, are said to identify the predi- caments with knowledge (jnydna); and according to the Véddntis, who are pantheists, the predicaments are identified with the universal being (Brahme) in whom all exists.{

Other categories are alleged by different authorities ; as power or energy (Sacti) ; similarity or resemblance (sddrisya); and many more. But the logicians of this school acknowledge but six; or at most seven, above- mentioned.

C2 1.3. + Tarc. Bhdsh. 1. Pad. Dip. 1. § Tarc. Bhdsh. and N. Sang. 2. 4.