Page:Translations from Camoens; and Other Poets.pdf/13

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Alma minha gentil, que te partiste.

SPIRIT beloved whose wing so soon hath flown
The joyless precincts of this earthly sphere,
How is yon Heaven eternally thine own,
Whilst I deplore thy loss, a captive here.

Oh! if allowed in thy divine abode
Of aught on earth an image to retain,
Remember still the fervent love which glowed
In my fond bosom, pure from every stain.

And if thou deem that all my faithful grief,
Caused by thy loss, and hopeless of relief,
Can merit thee, sweet native of the skies!
Oh! ask of Heaven, which called thee soon away,
That I may join thee in those realms of day,
Swiftly, as thou hast vanished from mine eyes.