Page:Travels in West Africa, Congo Français, Corisco and Cameroons (IA travelsinwestafr00kingrich).pdf/803

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THROUGH JUNGLE AND DESERT. TRAVELS IN EASTERN AFRICA. BY WILLIAM ASTOR CHANLER, A.M. (HARV.), F.R.G.S., Honorary Member of the Imperial and Royal Geographical Society of Vienna. With Illustrations from P'hotographs taken by the Author, and Maps. Large Svo, 21s. net. DAILY NEWS.-" Valuable and interesting." TIMES. "The book fills up an important blank between the explorations to the south of Mount Kenia and those in the Lake Rudolf region by Count Teleki and Mr. Chanler's countryman, Dr. Donaldson Smith." DAILY TELEGRAPH.-" Mr. Chanler's valuable addition to the already rich store of African literature contains many sporting stories, all equally good." NATURE." Represents a substantial addition to our knowledge of British East African gcography... Mr. Chanler has given us a map of an unknown region, discovered a most remarkable and in- teresting tribe, solved an important geographical problem, and made valuable scientific collections." GUARDIAN.-" His book abounds in exciting adventure, and is illustrated with many sketches, as well as with the excellent maps to which we have already referred." MORNING POST-"Contains a large amount of information about little known regions and tribes of Eastern Africa, and is decidedly a book worth reading. The illustrations from photographs taken by the author are numerous and characteristic." GLASGOW HERALD." A notable work." FIELD. "The book contains some valuable information regarding the country and people between Mount Kenia and the Lake Rudolf region, and much that will be read with interest by sportsmen." MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD., LONDON. 3