Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 3.djvu/563

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and baggage having been taken off before we could pafs the river, we all fet to work with very ill will, being excef- fively fatigued with a long journey and want of fleep. No fooner had ShalakaWoldo perceived this,than by two whittles upon his fingers, and a yell, he brought above fifty people to our afliftance ; the baggage was patted in one moment, and in another my two tents were pitched ; which is a work thefe people are very dexterous at, and well acquaintedwith.

As foon as we had encamped, we found that the reafon we were not left alone on the other fide of the river was, that thofe of the Galla who returned pulled down all the villages for fire-wood, and plundered the houfes, though they were Galla like themfelves, and of Fafil's party ; and thefe again, driven from their houfes, robbed of all they had except their lance and fhield, followed the ftragglers, tnd wreaked their vengenance upon thofe whom they could .furprife, or were not too numerous for them.

I was fcarcely laid down to fleep, when a fervant, and with him Zor Woldo, were fent to me from the Jumper : they brought us a bull of an enormous fize, but not very fat ; though we were all pretty keen in point of appetite, the' flock of provifion fent us feemed to defy our utraoft endeavours, but we were fure of aflittants enough ; fo the bull was immediately killed and fkinned. In the mean time, I took a fhort, but very refrefhing fleep, being refol- ded to refume my journey with the fame diligence till we had got to the point where we might feparate from the ar- my, which is at a place called Roo, where a large market is kept by the Agows, in whole country it is, and reforted to by all the neighbouring inhabitants.

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