Page:Tudor Jenks--The defense of the castle.djvu/28

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to be left in charge. We must teach the young to replace the old."

There is no arguing with one who is able to enforce his will, and the only favor Francis Mortimer could gain was leave to make a short farewell visit to his castle on the Ouse, and to remain a week, making ready for an absence that might last several years.

Taking only half a dozen soldiers, Mortimer went home as speedily as his strong road horse could take him, and arrived at the great gate one evening just as the portcullis was about to be lowered.

The joy with which he was received by his wife and son, and by his young ward—the daughter of a friend who had been killed fighting for King Henry at the battle of Lewes—was succeeded by bitter disappointment when they learned that in seven days he must rejoin Prince Edward's expedition to Africa. But since the parting was inevitable, all made the best of the few days the baron was to spend at home. Lady Mortimer and the serving-women busied themselves in sewing to provide him with clothing. The armorer of the castle worked early and late that the warrior's equipment might be perfect and sound in every joint and link, and all in the castle seemed to think of nothing but the comfort and safety of