Page:Tudor Jenks--The defense of the castle.djvu/46

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Edgar and Amabel were both fond of hawking, and they each owned birds of which they were especially proud. During the recent busy times at the castle the hawks had been neglected, but now their owners began taking them out again. The expeditions were made on horseback, often taking the hunters miles from home, and Guy de Ferrers knew of these outings through his spies. Luke had suggested that it would not be at all difficult to send a few horsemen into the woods near one of the quarry-grounds where the young people went to hunt, and capture them. With Edgar and Amabel in their hands, it might be possible to treat with Lady Mortimer, demanding a surrender of the castle as the price of safety for these hostages. So far there had been nothing to excite suspicion, and the young hawkers might easily be taken unawares, provided timely notice of their setting out was obtained. For this purpose Luke the Lurdane hired a bright young country boy, telling him that he must conceal himself in the woods near Mortimer Castle, and keep an eye upon the gate. So soon as the hawking-party appeared, he was to report to certain soldiers posted in a little tavern a few miles away. Of these men Luke himself took command, joining them every morning about sunrise.