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8. Red-backed Salamander. Plethodon erythronotus.

Length, three-and-one-half inches; gray-brown, with a red stripe along; the back; slender. Quite common.

9. Stout Salamander. Plethodon glutinosus.

Length, six inches; black, with bluish-gray spots and specks; stouter than No. 8. Terrestrial.

10. Four-toed Salamander. Hemidactylium scutatum.

Length, two-and-one-half inches; brown, white underneath, with black spots; four toes on hind feet. Southern.

11. Dark Blunt-nosed Salamander. Amblystoma opacum.

Length, three-and-one-half inches; black, with fourteen blue-gray crossbars; belly, dark-blue. Western and Southwestern.

12. Tiger Salamander. Amblystoma tigrinum.

Length, eight inches; dark brown, with yellow crossbars and blotches; body, thick and strong.
