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have got since I've been here." He kissed the weed or flower of her hand.

"Say, 'Gabriel, you shall be my husband. I will marry you the very first day I am free!' Her brows knitted, she took her hand away a little pettishly.

"I am free. Why do you remind me?"

"Say, 'I will marry you on the last day in May, in six weeks from today.'"

"May marriages are unlucky."

"Ours could not be."

"Oh, yes! it could. I am a woman of moods."

"Every one more lovely than the last."

"Impatient and irritable."

"You shall have no time to be impatient. Anything you want I will rush to obtain for you. If you are irritable I will soothe you."

"And then I want hours to myself."

"I'll wait outside your door, on the mat, to keep interruptions from you."

"I want to write … to play the piano, to rest a great deal."

"Give me your odd half-hours." She gave him back her hand instead.

"Let's pretend. We are to sail away into the unknown; to be happy ever afterwards. Where shall we go, Gabriel? Can we have a yacht?"

"I am not rich."

"Pretend you are. Where shall we go? To