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Dedera was also urging
That I should decide,
Else, at daybreak other townsmen
Too would want to ride.

And he told me that no weapons
Need I take along.
For, as ordered, they’d defend me
From all harm and wrong.

Further, that an incognito
I maintain at best,
Or the Czechs, intruding people,
Would give us no rest.

Dedera gave me some other
Well-meant wise advice,
To be followed by Bach’s patients
At no added price.

Thus he coaxed me as a Siren,
And as in a trance,
I found shoes, took vest and frock coat,
First of all, my pants.

And the gendarmes with their horses
Stood before the hut,
“Patience have a while, my brothers,
Soon now we shall trot.”