Page:U.S. Department of the Interior Annual Report 1878.djvu/6

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and I firmly believe that its execution, if properly aided by Congress and not interfered with by the white population of the Western States and Territories, would, in the course of time, bring forth satisfactory results.

Considerable progress has been made in the execution of the plan above stated, as far as it depends on the action of this department and the officers under its direction. The consolidation of a number of agencies has been undertaken, with a view to a better location of the Indians, which will at the same time simplify the service, render a more efficient supervision possible, reduce the expenses of the government, and lessen the opportunities for fraud and peculation. As far as the appropriations made by Congress would permit, agricultural implements and domestic cattle have been furnished to Indian tribes, to set the Indians to work for their own support and to encourage industrious habits. An Indian police has been organized at twenty-two agencies, and from all of them favorable reports as to the working of the new system have been received. The labor of white men on Indian reservations has as much as possible been supplanted by Indian labor. Instructions have been given to discriminate in the distribution of supplies and annuities, which are not actual necessaries, against individual Indians who show no disposition to work, thus discouraging idleness. Permission to send out hunting parties has been given only where without hunting the Indians would have been exposed to want. The rapid disappearance of game, however, in many parts of the western country will very soon stop this source of sustenance. The allotment of land among Indians on several reservations has been ordered and is in progress. The facilities of education have been extended as much as possible, and proper directions have been given for the instruction of Indian children in practical pursuits. Fifty Indian children, boys and girls, selected from different tribes, have been taken to the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute in Virginia, where they will receive an elementary English education and thorough practical instruction in farming and other useful work, to be sent back to their tribes after the completed course. Captain Pratt, who was intrusted with the selection of these children, and who performed his task in a very satisfactory manner, reports that a continually increasing interest in education is shown by the Indians, and that they would have sent thousands of children with him had he been able to receive them. The result of this interesting experiment, if favorable, may be destined to become an important factor in the advancement of civilization among the Indians.

The Indian service has been reorganized in several of its branches. It was found necessary to remove a number of agents on account of improper practices or lack of business efficiency, and great care has been taken in filling their places with new men. Where mistakes were found to have been made in the new selections they have been promptly rectified. Important changes have been made in the contract system and in