Page:UU Hak Cipta 2014 - English official translation.pdf/22

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Article 47
Every non-commercial library or archival institution may reproduce 1 (one) copy of the Works or part of the Works without permission from the Author or the Copyright Holder by:
  1. Reprographic reproduction of a writing that has been Published, summarized, or abridged to meet the demand of a person provided that:
    1. the library or the archival institution ensures that the copy will only be used for educational or research purposes;
    2. the Reproduction is made separately and if it is repeated, that Reproduction must constitute unrelated events; and
    3. no License is offered by the Collective Management Organization for the library or the archival institution in regard to the reproduced section.
  2. the reproduction of copies is for preservation, replacement of required copies, or replacement of copies in the event that the copy is lost, damaged, or destroyed from the permanent collection at the library or other archival institutions provided that:
    1. it is impossible for the library or the archival institution to obtain a copy in reasonable conditions; or
    2. the making of the copy is conducted separately or if done repeatedly, the making of copies must be unrelated events.
  3. the reproduction of copies is intended for the purpose of interlibrary, interarchival institutions, and between library and archival institution Communication or information exchange.