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quoted Mr. Wells. "You saved me from one peril, and now I've saved you from another, so we are quits—not but that I shall remember your brave deed," he added hastily. "But it is odd they singled you out for an attack."

In a few words the state of the situation was explained, the missionary listening with much interest. "The savage blood is in them," he said, with a grave shake of his head. "There is still much church work to do here. I would remain in this field of labor were it not that I have explicit orders from our home board to go to Hong Kong."

"I understand that you are to be a passenger on the Columbia," said Larry, hastily, struck with a sudden idea.

"Yes, my lad, I have picked out that vessel, for it seems to be a good one, and Captain Ponsberry is very much to my liking, too."

"Then perhaps you wouldn't mind putting in a good word for me, sir. I want to ship in her for the Hong Kong trip."

"I'll willingly speak to the captain about it, if you desire it," returned the missionary.

A few words more followed, Larry explaining