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pædic; but it is interwoven with knowledge, and rich in agreeable disclosures. An adroit participant can avoid obvious pitfalls; but it is not in dodging issues and concealing deficits that the pleasures of companionship lie. I once heard a sparkling and animated lady ask Mr. Henry James (who abhorred being questioned) if he did not think American women talked better than English women. "Yes," said the great novelist gently, "they are more ready and much more brilliant. They rise to every suggestion. But"—as if moved by some strain of recollection—"English women so often know what they are talking about."

Vocational training and vocational guidance are a little like intensive farming. They are obvious measures for obvious results; they economize effort; they keep their goal in view. If they "pander to cabbages," they produce as many and as fine cabbages as