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store all to herself this sultry afternoon; but the fact was that all hands were away 'mustering' in a distant paddock; and, as it was mail-day, Macdonald had intrusted the key of the store to his sister-in-law, with injunctions about the despatch of one mail-bag, and permission to open the other.

At last the dreadful letter was written, directed, stamped, and dropped into the out going bag. Then Miss Jenny dried her eyes, tied string round the mouth of the bag, and sealed it as she had once or twice seen Mr. Parker do. The wax was still warm when the inward mail was fetched into the store.

'The other bag is ready,' said Miss Jenny, pointing to it. 'You'd better take it.'

'No; I'll come back for it in an hour, when me and my 'orse has had a snack. Lots o' time for the other bag then.' And the highly Colonial mail-boy swaggered out with characteristic independence, not having demeaned himself by a single ' miss,' 'please,' or 'thank you.'

The weekly mail had always been a source of pleasurable excitement to Miss Jenny,