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Ouida, Novels by. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 53. each ; post 8vo, illus- trated boards, 2s. each.

Held In Bondage.



Under Two Flags.

Ceoll Cast I e-

malne'a Idalla Trlcotrin. Puck.

Folle Farlne. TwoLlttleWooden

Shoes. A Dog of Flanders. Pascarel.


In a Winter City. Ariadne Friendship. Moths. Plplstrello. A Village Com- mune. Blmbl.

In Maremma Wanda.

Frescoes. [Ine. Princess Naprax- Othmar.

Wisdom, Wit, and Pathos, selected from the Works of Ouida by F. Sydney Morris.,cl.ex.,5s.

Page (H. A.), Works by :

Thoreau : His Life and Aims : A Study. With Portrait. Post 8vo,cl. limp, 2s.6d.

Lights on the Way : Some Tales with- in a Tale. By the late J. H. Alex- ander, B.A. Edited by H. A. Page. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6s.

Animal Anecdotes. Arranged on a New Principle. Cr. 8vo, cl. extra, 63.

Parliamentary Elections and

Electioneering In the Old Days (A History of). Showing the State of Political Parties and Party Warfare at the Hustings and in the House of Commons from the Stuarts to Queen Victoria. Illustrated from the original Political Squibs, Lampoons, Pictorial Satires, and Popular Caricatures of the Time. By Joseph Grego, Author of "Rowlandson and his Works," " The Life of Gillray," &c. Demy 8vo, cloth extra, with a Frontispiece coloured by hand, and nearly 100 Illustrations, 163.

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Patient's (The) Vade Mecum:

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Paul Ferroll :

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Payn (James), Novels by.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 33. 6d. each ;

post 8vo; illustrated boards, 2s. each.

Lost Sir Maaslngberd.

The Best of Husbands.

Walter's Word. | Halves.

What He Cost Her.

Less Black than we're Painted.

By Proxy. | High Spirits.

Under One Roof.

A Confidential Agent.

Some Private Views.

A Grape from a Thorn.

For Cash Only. | From Exile.

The Can on's Ward.

Post 8vo, illustrated boards, 2s. each.

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Like Father, Like Son.

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Married Beneath Him.

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Holiday Tasks : Being Essays written in Vacation Time. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6s.

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Pennell (H. Cholmondeley),

Works by:

Post 8vo, cloth limp, 2s. 6d. each.

Puck on Pegasus. With Illustrations.

Pegasus Re-Saddled. With Ten full- page Illusts. by G. Du Maurier.

The Muses of Mayfalr. Vers de Socie*te, Selected and Edited by H. C. Pennell .

P h e I ps ( Erstuart), Works by:

Post 8vo, Is. each ; cl. limp, Is. 6d. each. Beyond the Gates. By the Author

of " The Gates Ajar." An Old Maid's Paradise. Burglars In Paradise,