Page:United States House of Representatives Concurrent Resolution No. 99 — 115th Congress (2017-2018).pdf/5

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(2) commemorates with the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic these anniversaries, underscoring the significance and value of independence and sovereignty based on democratic principles, values and practices, most of all freedom and dignity of individual citizens;
(3) commends the peoples of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic for their remarkable achievements over the past 25 years in building free, democratic, and prosperous societies;
(4) recognizes the importance of the alliance between the United States and the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic in common defense, enduring commitment to the free and unified Europe, and expanding and deepening economic prosperity of our nations under the rule of law;
(5) appreciates the contribution of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic as members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union to the promotion and defense of common values of freedom, democracy, and liberty around the world and for their support in the fight against violent extremism;
(6) reaffirms the bonds of friendship and close cooperation that have existed between the United