Page:United States Reports, Volume 2.djvu/303

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Queen- Coun-, Pauyjiunfo Diana. ag-; ` *793- vs`; Apr:} Term, 1793. Patent, Watson, Iamau. and Parcae, Mw; · The Unrnn S·rA1·|.s wgiu Ravau. · - HEdcfe¤dant,aConful fr¤mG¢mq, wa•lndi&ed for a ZA-; I mifderneanor, in fending anonymous and ‘l letter•toMr. Harnmrd, thet£i:?b_Miuiller, Mr. HolIaud,a {$:-2 · citiaenof .PbiI¤d¢lpbi¤,a¤df othetperfonnwithaview · . to utort p Before the fendant pleaded, his eounl'el{Hurly, Levi: — and Dollar) moved mqualh the indi&r¤ent,-geontendnugtbatto - - the Supreme Court of the United Siam, the exclniive . cognizance of the cafe, on account of the d` euda¤t‘• ollicial chara&er. By the zdfeflion of articlcof the Conititu- ‘ tion, it is exprefsly declared, that, •¤ m all cafes aliedting Am- balladors, other public Minillers, and Caryialr, and thofe in which aStatelhall beaparty,tb: SupremeC'ourt_/IraIIbat:¢arigirmIjur§[$ _ di8'iem." By declarin in the fcguel of the fame feélion “ that rn " all the other cafes beloremcntioned the Supreme Court {hall have appellate jurifdiétion," the word original is rendered tantamount to exclgfve, inthe fpcciied cafes. But furel an original jurifdip• ·. ‘_ tion eflablilhed by the Couliitution in the Supreme Court, cane I notbeexclulively veiled by law in any inferior Courts; The t rgth feélion of the judicial aél provides, that •* the Supreme Court ihall have excluhvelylall fuch jurifdi&,ion_ ¤f fuits or pro- _p * ceedinga. upon the point, whether-the Federal power of naturalization was exe ` clulive, or concurrent; and nothing vm faid. b eitbe• liderelpecrd ing the exillence and operation of the act of;em.»_;rlv¤ni¤, vn.ich,· as it depended in lbrm and fpirit on the old Conllitutiou. wu virtu- ally repealed, when that Conllitution was abolilhed. The ideuof the reporter on that fubject, are contained in a note upon the natu- ralization lawn of Hnrtgylwnio, in his edition of the acts of the Gea { ~ neral Alfemhly, (r Vol. p. 7. rz) It mag beproper to add, that there · _1· has lime been a decilion belore judge 1vnr.e.mthe Qommon Pleat of Pbiladelpbic County, where the exillence of the Permylcania hw was thilpill of the controverfy : And in that cafe, an well- lathe cafe of the aired Seam v. Vilam (pot:.) the uct of Mltmbly im als-- iudged tobt olsfglcttq r. I