Page:United States Reports, Volume 2.djvu/369

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Cmeurr Couar, Pemjtlomiu Dill:ri&. · 36; maintained: all the books of praftice concur in ltatitygdtlnat an r7g6.

 may be obtained either upon matter coufe in the vw .•

aafvzer, or upon fomc matter of record, or on _l'ome deed, wri- l ti¤g,,or other evidence, produced in Court. a Harr. Pr; Cb. nr; Hind: Pr..Cl..g8g. It ilfuee upon payment of .money»into ‘ Court; and it has been granted to`a bankrupt, uponthc bare produétion of his certificate, to {lay proceedings at lang. 3 Harra_ ‘ Pr. Cb. aaa. 223. Belides, the prefent Bill ‘mufi,‘!`!0m the na- ture of thetranfaétion, be Eled by an Attorney, as the com- plainant lives. abroad; and it would have been fatalie wait-foo an aliidarit, as the {lock would certainly have been transferred on the Bri} intimation of the `fuit, or intention tdtflh .It‘ie eoncltliive; however, that by proof, independent. o£ lthe allegae tions in the Bill, to wit—>-the defendanfs allignment oi} the proq _ perty in qucll:iou*to the `comyiaijtantie ufe, and,D•qPam·:ar{.• allidarit-of»the de£endant’s having. afterwards converted it to his own ufe; there is anappanrnt andfraud. coné fcicnce of the Court cannot bemom Eatisfa&orily;.it’rfor¤ed;tqon dte·l`ubje§l:; _and it is:aTlinong additional ei!¢¤¤l¥¤M¢¢th9l¢` ¤0l¤e · Iithllahclin · the injundlion has fo long bound. the propertpeb; defendants? grave. never attempted to relcafe it. ad.; This nahti - rally leads to the pant con5deration;; whether. dchjihaa

 as:ton;win’rarit the Court in- illolvingabq

iqihéliog;, _and',fo{ coufe, putting it £oeever out oil their ypwei to doglbiceto thepaetyeeall i¤jured,aa the Stoelfwill, lcfs;`· inllantaneoully trannfgrrcdc .Neith¤m·of the. Qtoullde of the prefenhnotien-at all reloteto the merits-y3and;>it;m¤yfnirl; be remaehulythat rue delay might more eifxlyl hatebecn vehtotby ‘IQ'dd¤1diHC8,’th2lIlih;'dlE conlp `nant;. The dei laygyltovheven,. has not.proee¤l¤l· rom any intention tg opprefg the ··du£e¤Mm; nor wavoitra difcumon anitjaeacmolt an cum or Iaobrr, of the iblicitor, which the Court: will not ¤TloQE¢0dI§ eonveited sin;-inltrurncntfor. the deilrruélionrx a claim: The cl§.·,fenzl¤rrte‘beingnab1·¤ad,: it- wat. doubtfuh how the com- plainant could pfoceeclto Wing the f¤ a.dcciiiQm_ Mirfiid go. 2 Har. Pr. Cb. aaai andwhere an in_i,un£iio¤-is- granted on- the merits, it will notibc diifolved beforcaheatin . If,.there§ _ fore, the‘imerits.‘are with thc. complainant,. pow $ant¤g¢ can- ilow from granting the prcfent motion;; as it is eirprcfsly laid down in the books, that where the equity appears evidently for the plaintiff} or his cafe is-Hard, an»injunt.`tion.dill`olved for un- reafonable delay, will, upon motion, be rerirotitik E2 Herr. Pr. (lb. 224- The Court will not dilfolve the injunction merely to give an opportunity to carry the property (which ought-in equity_ to be deemed the complainanvs) out of its jurifdiolion. .. · 1’¤1·Rns, jhylire :—If this were not a cafe, in which onine-- parablc injury might be done,. by- allowing the Stock to be play; ‘ Zz 2 cc ·F