Page:United States Reports, Volume 209.djvu/280

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?4 O?TOBF? TERM, 1?07. Opiniou og the Cour? ?0? U. 8. ? ?t ? t?m ? ? ? ? ? ? ?y by t? ?o?r s? o? or by t? B?u of ? ?d? of the ?or ?ment of the U? S?. ?, ?on ?ws of l?. ?e p?n?M e?r w?d?y c? by ?o?tion in the ? ? ?th s ?o?on of t? ?tu?, ? fo?d ?ty by the vc?c? of ?n?ction w? a? by the Supreme ? of the S?, ?d the ? ? now ? on a ?t of e?r, ?ow? by ?e c?ef j? ? t?t ?. ?e o?y F?e? q?fion '? u? ? ?nt ? w?ther the s?tu? w? a ?t?ction of ?r- s? ?m?r? w?ch w? not ?t? the ?wer imp. ?e ob?o? p? of the ?w w? ? ? ?t the in- duction ? the Sm? of ?ttle i? ? a ?- cab? ?. It ?doub?ly ?t?c? the s?lu? f?om of in? ?e? in ?ttle, but o?y ? the ex?nt that ?tt? ? ? c? the ? ?und?y i?tion ? ?r?n whether or not they heathy they am ?t?, if ?d they va?&ty of such ? ?st?ction for such pur? ? ?n f? quently ?dc? by t? couP, ?d the p?nciplcs appli?blc ? ?e ?ttlement of the quition have h?cn clearly The govemmcn? ?wcr over the commer? w?ch ? in? is v? exclu?vely in the ?n? by the commer? cla? of the ?titution, ?d theefore is ?thdra? from the S?. It is not now nc?ry ? ? ?e ?y ?s suppling this pro?tion, or ? co?ider some exp?ions in the ?o? ?m? what quaffing i? ?nem?ty, ?ca? in c?f?y ch?n wor? it ? rc?ntly ?en affixed by us. At Justice Pcckh?, s?akiag for the co?t, ?id: "T?t ?y erci? of s? autho?ty, in wha?vcr form m?fcs?, w?ch directly rc?la?s intc?ta? commerce, is rcpu?t ? the commer? clau? of the ?nstitufion is ob?ous." At?ntk C?t Li? v. Wha?, 207 U.S. 3?, 334. But though it may not lc?slatc for the direct control of in?r- s? ?mmerce, the Sts? may exerci? any part of the le?