Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 4.djvu/47

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

PUBLIC LAW 99-519—OCT. 22, 1986

100 STAT. 2975

"(3) Provisions for education of school employees, including school service and maintenance personnel, about the location of and safety procedures with respect to such friable and nonfriable asbestos. "(h) TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL.—The Administrator shall promulgate regulations which prescribe standards for transportation and disposal of asbestos-containing waste material to protect human health and the environment. Such regulations shall include such provisions related to the manner in which transportation vehicles are loaded and unloaded as will assure the physical integrity of containers of asbestos-containing waste material. "(i) MANAGEMENT PLANS.—

"(1) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator shall promulgate regulations which require each local educational agency to develop an asbestos management plan for school buildings under its authority, to begin implementation of such plan within 990 days after the date of the enactment of this title, and to complete implementation of such plan in a timely fashion. The regulations shall require that each plan include the following elements, wherever relevant to the school building: "(A) An inspection statement describing inspection and response action activities carried out before the date of the enactment of this title. "(B) A description of the results of the inspection conducted pursuant to regulations under subsection (b), including a description of the specific areas inspected. "(C) A detailed description of measures to be taken to respond to any friable asbestos-containing material pursuant to the regulations promulgated under subsections (c), •mri; (d), and (e), including the location or locations at which a response action will be taken, the method or methods of response action to be used, and a schedule for beginning ~aoj and completing response actions. "(D) A detailed description of any asbestos-containing material which remains in the school building once response actions are undertaken pursuant to the regulations promulgated under subsections (c), (d), and (e). 3?;fio«af»"(E) A plan for periodic reinspection and long-term surveillance activities developed pursuant to regulations promulgated under subsection (g), and a plan for operations and maintenance activities developed pursuant to regulations promulgated under subsection (f). "(F) With respect to the person or persons who inspected for asbestos-containing material and who will design or carry out response actions with respect to the friable asbestos-containing material, one of the following statements: "(i) If the State has adopted a contractor accreditation plan under section 206(b), a statement that the 3ft person (or persons) is accredited under such plan. "(ii) A statement that the local educational agency used (or will use) persons who have been accredited by •t another State which has adopted a contractor accreditation plan under section 206(b) or is accredited pursuant to an Administrator-approved course under section 206(c). "(G) A list of the laboratories that analyzed any bulk samples of asbestos-containing material found in the school

Education. Safety.

Health and medical care.