Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/491

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-418—AUG. 23, 1988

102 STAT. 1495

tions of demonstrated performance, to provide services to the grant recipient or the target population; (5) the evaluation and revision of program placement of students at risk; (6) the evaluation of program effectiveness of dropout programs; CO the development and implementation of programs for traditionally underserved groups of students; (8) the implementation of activities which will improve student motivation and the school learning environment; (9) the provision of ta-aining for school staff on s t r a t ^ e s and techniques designed to— (A) identify children at risk of dropping out; (B) intervene in the instructional program with support and remedial services; (C) develop realistic eiq)ectations for student performance; and (D) improve student-staff interactions; (10) the study of the relationship between drugs and dropouts and between youth gangs and dropouts, and the coordination of dropout prevention and reentry programs with appropriate drug prevention and community organizations for the prevention dT youth ganger (11) llie study of the relationship between handicapping conditions and student dropouts; (12) the study of the relationship between the dropout rate for gifted and talented students compared to the dropout rate for the general student enrollment; (13) the use of educational teleconmiunications and broadcasting technologies and educational materials designed to extend, motivate, and reinforce school, community, and home dropout prevention and reentry activities; and (14) the provision of other educational, occupational and testing services and activities which directiy relate to the purpose of this subchapter. (b) AcnvFnES FOR EDUCATIONAL PABTNESSHIPS.—Grants under this subchapter may be used by educational partnershijps for— (1) activities which offer jobs and college admissions for successful completion of the program for which assistance is sou^t^ (2) internship, work study, or apprenticeship programs; (3) summer employment programs; (4) occupational training programs; (^ career opportunity and skills counseling; (6) job placement services; (7) the development of skUl employment competency testing programs; (8) special school staff training projects; and (9) any other activity described in subsection (a). SEC 6067. DISTRIBUTION OF ASSISTANCE; UMTTATION ON COSTS.

(a) DcrrsiBirnoN OF ASSISTANCE.—The Secretary shall ensure that, to the extent practicable, in approving grant applications under this subchapter— (1) grants are equitably distributed on a geographic basis within each cat^oiy set forth in section 6064(a);

Drugs and drug abuse.

Communications and telecommunications.

20 USC 5057.