Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 3.djvu/216

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102 STAT. 2268-32
PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988
102 STAT. 2268-32

102 STAT. 2268-32

PUBLIC LAW 100-461—OCT. 1, 1988

(12) the United States private sector and public at large have responded generously to appeals for support for national immunization campaigns in developing countries. (b)(1) The Congress calls upon the President to direct the Agency for International Development, working through the Centers for Disease Control and other appropriate Federal agencies, to work in a global effort to provide enhanced support toward achieving the goal of universal access to childhood immunization by 1990 by— (A) assisting in the delivery, distribution, and use of vaccines, including— (i) the building of locally sustainable systems and technical capacities in developing countries to reach, by the appropriate age, not less than 80 per centum of their annually projected target population with the full schedule of required immunizations, and (ii) the development of a sufficient network of indigenous professionals and institutions with responsibility for developing, monitoring, and assessing immunization programs and continually adapting strategies to reach the goal of preventing immunizable diseases; and (B) performing, supporting, and encouraging research and development activities, both in the public and private sector, that will be targeted at developing new vaccines and at modifying and improving existing vaccines to make them more appropriate for use in developing countries. (2) In support of this global effort, the President should appeal to the people of the United States and the United States private sector to support public and private efforts to provide the resources necessary to achieve universal access to childhood immunization by 1990. ETHIOPIA—FORCED RESETTLEMENT, VILLAGIZATION

SEC. 542. None of the funds appropriated in this Act shall be made available for any costs associated with the Government of Ethiopia's forced resettlement or villagization programs. SUDAN, SOMAUA, BURUNDI, LIBERIA, UGANDA, AND JAMAICA NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS

SEC. 543. None of the funds appropriated in this Act shall be obligated or expended for Sudan, Burundi, Liberia, Uganda, Jamaica or Somalia except as provided through the regular notification procedures of the Committees on Appropriations. DEFINITION OF PROGRAM, PROJECT, AND ACTIVITY

SEC. 544. For the purpose of this Act, "program, project, and activity" shall be defined at the Appropriations Act account level and shall include all Appropriations and Authorizations Acts earmarks, ceilings, and limitations with the exception that for the following accounts: Economic Support Fund; Military Assistance; and Foreign Military Credit Sales, "program, project, and activity" shall also be considered to include country, regional, and central program level funding within each such account; for the functional development assistance accounts of the Agency for International Development "program, project, and activity" shall also be considered to include central program level funding, either as (1) justified