Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 1.djvu/199

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PUBLIC LAW 101-67—JULY 31, 1989 103 STAT. 171 market value, as determined by the Secretary in accordance with established procedures of the BLM. (3) Each right-of-way granted pursuant to this section shall be subject to rental payments and other conditions provided for in applicable law, including the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 and this Act. The amounts received by the United States from sales of lands covered by this section shall be distributed pursuant to laws generally applicable to sales of public lands. SEC. 4. AUTHORIZATION FOR ADDITIONAL TRANSFERS. (a) SALE AUTHORIZED. —Notwithstanding any BLM land use plan calling for retention of the Apex Site and notwithstanding the reporting requirements and competitive bidding requirements of section 203 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, the Secretary is authorized, subject to any other requirements of law, including the conditions of this section, to sell to Clark County some or all of the lands within the Apex Site, depicted on the map referred to in section 3(a), that lie outside the boundaries of the Kerr-McGee Site (as depicted on such map) for fair market value as determined by the Secretary in accordance with established appraisal procedures. (b) REQUIREMENTS AND CoNDmoNS.—If, no later than one year Contracts. after the date of enactment of this Act, the county demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the county has designated the lands comprising the Apex Site as a heavy-use industrial zone, pursuant to applicable laws of the State of Nevada, and has adopted a plan for the development of some or all of such lands accordingly, the Secretary shall offer to enter into a land sales agreement with Clark County for the transfer of some or all of such lands to the county by one or more direct sales pursuant to this section over a period not to exceed ten years. Such agreement shall provide for purchasers of parcels of the lands within the Apex Site, with any specific parcels to be sold to be determined by the Secretary, in response to proposals by the county and after consultation with the Secretary of the Air Force concerning any potential impact of any such sale on activities associated with Nellis Air Force Base. The purchase price for each parcel shall be its appraised fair market value at the time of the sale, but any agreement between the county and the Secretciry under this section shall provide that if the county sells any such parcel or portion thereof, the county shall pay to the United States an amount equal to 50 per centum of the amount by which the amount received by the county exceeds 110 per centum of the sum equal to the total amounts expended by the county for acquisition of such parcel or portion thereof, for improvements to such parcel or portion thereof, and for preparation of such parcel or portion thereof for sale. (c) RIGHTS-OF-WAY.— Pursuant to applicable law, the Secretary may g^ant Clark County such rights-of-way on public lands as may be necessary to support the development as a heavy-use industrial zone of some or all of the lands identified in subsection (a). (d) PROCEDURES.—Except as specified in subsection (a) nothing in this section shall relieve the Secretary from compliance with all laws applicable either to the transfer of some or all of the lands identified in subsection (a) or to the granting of any rights-of-way, including, but not limited to, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. Unless otherwise specified in this Act, sales of lands Patents and pursuant to this section shall be made and patents or other docu- trademarks.