Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 1.djvu/73

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PUBLIC LAW 101-246—FEB. 16, 1990 104 STAT. 39 (A) the targeting of historically Black American colleges and universities for special recruitment efforts, including specific information on how to apply for the Foreign Service examination, the testing process, and the mechanics of entry; (B) independent review of the written exam for any cultural bias against African Americans; (C) the inclusion of more African Americans on the board of examiners panels; (D) investigation of methods to increase African American enrollment in university courses which might improve an applicant's chances of passing the written exam; (E) development of new recruitment strategies; (F) the assignment of more African American officers to senior (and visible) role model positions; and (G) the recruitment of more African American officers into the political and economic cones of the Foreign Service. (3) During the past 7 years, equal opportunity programs to attract women and minorities to the Foreign Service have been most successful in recruiting women and Asian Americans. Such programs have been less than successful in the recruitment of African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans. In 1982, 188 new recruits were appointed to the Foreign Service, 48 were minority appointments constituting 26 percent. In 1985 the number of new appointments had increased 33 percent to 281, but minorities comprised only 10.3 percent of such appointments, a total of 29. (4) For African Americans and Hispanics the trend of hiring in the Foreign Service is disconcerting. Nineteen African Americans were appointed to the Foreign Service in 1983, in 1987 only 10 African Americans were appointed. Hispanic appointments ranged from 12 in 1983 to 8 in 1985 to 15 in 1987. For Native Americans the Foreign Service statistics are ominous, 5 appointments in 1983, 1 in 1984, and no appointments in 1985, 1986, or 1987. (5) The severe underrepresentation in the Foreign Service of individuals from certain cultural and ethnic groups is in large part due to the small pool of applicants from such groups. In each year from 1982 through 1987, minority applicants represented 14 to 17 percent of the total applicants and only 50 percent of such applicants took the written exam. In 1987, 1,769 minority applicants took the written exam, 191 passed, and 36 were actually appointed to the Foreign Service. (6) The absolute and relative decline in the appointment to the Foreign Service of certain minorities who reflect the cultural and ethnic diversity of the United States dictates that more aggressive equal opportunity programs be established to facilitate the recruitment and appointment of such individuals. OD) ESTABLISHMENT. — Title I of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 is amended by adding at the end the following new chapter: "CHAPTER 12—FOREIGN SERVICE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM "SEC. 1201. STATEMENT OF POLICY; OBJECTIVES. 22 USC 4141. "(a) STATEMENT OF POLICY.— Consistent with the findings of section 101, the Foreign Service of the United States should be rep-