Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/156

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104 STAT. 1136 PUBLIC LAW 101-476—OCT. 30, 1990 cational agencies, institutions of higher education, other public agencies and nonprofit private organizations for the purpose of advancing and improving the knowledge base and improving the practice of professionals, parents, and others providing early intervention, special education, and related services, including professionals who work with children and youth with disabilities in regular education environments, to provide such children effective instruction and enable them to successfully learn. The activities supported under this section shall support innovation, development, exchange, and use of such advancements in knowledge and practice designed to contribute to the improvement of instruction and learning of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities. In carrying out this section, the Secretary may support a wide range of research and related activities designed to— "(1) advance knowledge regarding the provision of instruction and other interventions to infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities including— "(A) the organization, synthesis, and interpretation of current knowledge and the identification of knowledge gaps; "(B) the identification of knowledge and skill competencies needed by personnel providing special education, related services, and early intervention services; "(C) the improvement of knowledge regarding the developmental and learning characteristics of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities in order to improve the design and effectiveness of interventions and instruction; "(D) the evaluation of approaches and interventions; "(E) the development of instructional strategies, techniques, and activities; "(F) the improvement of curricula and instructional tools such as textbooks, media, materials, and technology; "(G) the development of assessment techniques, instruments (including tests, inventories, and scales), and strategies for measurement of progress and the identification, location, and evaluation of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities for the purpose of determining eligibility, program planning, and placement for special education, related services, and early intervention services. Particular attention should be given to the development of alternative assessment procedures and processes for minority individuals and those with limited English proficiency; "(H) the testing of research findings in practice settings to determine the application, usability, effectiveness, and generalizability of such research findings; "(I) the improvement of knowledge regarding families, minorities, limited English proficiency, and disabling conditions; and "(J) the identification of environmental, organizational, resource, and other conditions necessary for effective professional practice; and "(2) advance the use of knowledge by personnel providing special education, related services, and early intervention services including— "(A) the improvement of knowledge regarding how such individuals learn new knowledge and skills, and strategies