Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 4.djvu/510

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104 STAT. 2826 PUBLIC LAW 101-574—NOV. 15, 1990 (3) all existing business data systems in the private sector which would be of assistance in developing a program similar to either the Euro-Info-Centre and/or the European Business Cooperation Network; (4) the amount of time it would take to fully implement this program in all fifty States; and (5) the benefits to the international competitiveness of the United States. (c) PARTICIPATION. — In conducting the study, the Administrator shall encourage participation of all appropriate Federal departments and agencies, appropriate State departments and agencies, appropriate small business representative groups, and any other public and/or private entities which would play a role in the development of such a system. (d) REPORT.— Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall transmit to Congress a report containing the results of the study together with recommendations for such legislative and administrative actions as the Administrator considers appropriate. SEC. 234. STUDY ON IMPACT OF ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE TECHNOLOGY. (a) IN GENERAL.— The Administrator of the Small Business Administration shall conduct a study of the impact of electronic data interchange technology on small business concerns. (b) PURPOSE.—The purpose of the study shall be to identify— (1) the benefits of electronic data interchange technology with respect to small business concerns; (2) the adverse effects of electronic data interchange technology with respect to small business concerns; (3) technical and financial assistance which the Small Business Administration can offer to small business concerns which seek to use electronic data interchange technology; (4) measures which may be taken to implement a uniform technical standard for electronic data interchange technology; (5) measures which may be taken to prevent electronic data interchange technology in the Federal procurement process from having an adverse effect on small business concerns; and (6) other measures which may be taken to prevent electronic data interchange technology from becoming a competitive barrier to small business concerns. (c) PARTICIPATION. — In conducting the study, the Administrator shall encourage participation by Federal departments and agencies, small business concerns, and other private and public entities. (d) REPORT.— Not later than one hundred and eighty days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall transmit to Congress a report containing the results of the study together with recommendations for such legislative and administrative actions as the Administrator considers appropriate. PART E—REPEALERS AND TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS SEC. 241. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE PROCUREMENT REPORTING. Section 10(d) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 639(d)) is amended—