Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 1.djvu/721

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PUBLIC LAW 102-138—OCT. 28, 1991 105 STAT. 693 SEC. 206. USIA POSTS AND PERSONNEJ. OVERSEAS. (a) USIA POSTS AND PERSONNEL OVERSEAS. —The United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 is amended by adding after section 811 the following: "usiA POSTS AND PERSONNEL OVERSEAS "SEC. 812. (a) LIMITATION.— Except as provided under this section 22 USC I475g. no funds authorized to be appropriated to the United States Information Agency may be used to pay any expense associated with the closing of any United States Information Agency post abroad. "(b) NOTIFICATION. —Not less than 45 days before the closing of any United States Information Agency post abroad the Director of the United States Information Agency shall notify the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate. "(c) EXCEPTIONS.—Th is section shall not apply to any United States Information Agency post closed— "(1) because of a break or downgrading of diplomatic relations between the United States and the country in which the post is located; or "(2) where there is a real and present threat to United States diplomats in the city where the post is located and where a travel advisory warning against travel by United States citizens to the city has been issued by the Department of State.". (b) REDUCTIONS IN AMERICAN EMPLOYEES.—Reductions may not be 22 USC I475g made in the number of positions filled by American employees of ^°^^- the United States Information Agency stationed abroad until the number of such employees is the same percentage of the total number of American employees of the Agency as the number of American employees of the Agency stationed abroad in 1981 was to the total number of American employees at the Agency at the same time in 1981. (c) REPEAL.— Section 204 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989 (22 U.S.C. 1461 note) is repealed. SEC. 207. IMPLEMENTATION OF BEIRUT AGREEMENT. The first section of the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution to give effect to the Agreement for facilitating the International Circulation of Visual and Auditory Materials of an Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Character, approved at Beirut in 1948", approved October 8, 1966 (19 U.S.C. 2051), is amended by adding at the end the following: "In carrying out this section, such Federal agency or agencies may not consider visual or auditory material to fail to qualify as being of international educational character— "(1) because it advocates a particular position or viewpoint, whether or not it presents or acknowledges opposing viewpoints; "(2) because it might lend itself to misinterpretation, or to misrepresentation of the United States or other countries, or their people or institutions; "(8) because it is not representative, authentic, or accurate or does not represent the current state of factual knowledge of a subject or aspect of a subject unless the material contains widespread and gross misstatements of fact; "(4) because it does not augment international understanding and goodwill, unless its primary purpose or effect is not to instruct or inform through the development of a subject or an