Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 2.djvu/986

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B14 SUBJECT INDEX Page Safety—Continued Motor Carrier Act of 1991 2140 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Authorization Act of 1991 2081 Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 952 Savings and Loan Associations See Banks and Banking Schools See Education Science and Technology Agent Orange Act of 1991 11 Civil Space Employee Testing Act of 1991 1616 High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 1594 Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems Act of 1991 2189 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1992 1605 Pilot Technology Access Program 825 Semiconductor International Protection Extension Act of 1991 320 University research institutes, establishment 2188 Semiconductors See Science and Technology Small Business See also Business and Industry Microloan demonstration program 827 Pilot technology access program 825 Resolution Trust Corporation Refinancing, Restructuring, and Improvement Act of 1991 1773 Women's Business Development Act of 1991 1589 South Dakota Niobrara Scenic River Designation Act of 1991 254 Soviet Union Most-favored-nation status 1622 Soviet Nuclear Threat Reduction Act of 1991 1693 Space See Science and Technology State and Local Governments See Intergovernmental Relations Students See Education Substance Abuse See Drugs and Drug Abuse Syria Dire Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Consequences of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Food Stamps, Unemployment Compensation Administration, Veterems Compensation and Pensions, and Other Urgent Needs Act of 1991 153 Taxes Armed Forces, Desert Shield services, tax filing 5 Medicaid Voluntary Contribution and Provider-Specific Tax Amendments of 1991 1793 Surface Transportation Revenue Act of 1991 2203 Tax Extension Act of 1991 1686 Telephones and Telegraphs See Communications Tennessee I.E. (Eddie) Russell Post Office Building, designation 330 Joseph Ralph Sasser Boat Ramp, designation 2022 Stones River National Battlefield, boundary change 1682 Territories National Literacy Act of 1991 359 Texas Carl O. Hyde General Mail Facility, designation 369 Myrtle Foester Whitmire Division of the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, designation 1685 U.S. Route 69, designation 2013 Trade See Commerce and Trade Trademarks See Patents and Trademarks Trails See Conservation Transportation Aircraft Aging Aircraft Safety Act of 1991 951 Airports Metropolitan Washington Airports Act Amendments of 1991 2197 Aviation Federal Aviation Administration, Administrator, appointment 1678 Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1992 917 Federal Transit Amendments of 1991 2087 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 1914 Motor Carrier Act of 1991 2140 Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 952 Research institutes, establishment 2188 Surface Transportation Revenue Act of 1991 2203 Transportation centers, establishment 2186 Treaties See Foreign Relations Trucks See Motor Vehicles Trusts and Trustees See Banks and Banking