Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 3.djvu/294

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105 STAT. 2178 PUBLIC LAW 102-240—DEC. 18, 1991 ^po'^- (9) RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ALTERNATIVES. — In the event a different technology or alternative program can be identified that would accomplish the same or better results than those described in this part, the Secretary may make recommendations for an alternative, and shall promptly report such alternative recommendations to Congress. 23 USC 307 note. SEC. 6010. NATIONAL COUNCIL ON SURFACE TRANSPORTATION RE- SEARCH. (a) ESTABLISHMENT.— T here is established a National Council on Surface Transportation Research (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "Council"). (b) FUNCTION.— The Council shall make a complete investigation and study of current surface transportation research and technology developments in the United States and internationaly. The Council shall identify gaps and duplication in current surface transportation research efforts, determine research and development areas which may increase efficiency, productivity, safety, and durability in the Nation's surface transportation systems, and propose a national surface transportation research and development plan for immediate implementation. (c) SPECIFIC MATTERS TO BE ADDRESSED. —The Council shall— (1) survey current surface transportation public and private research efforts in the United States and internationaly; (2) examine factors which lead to fragmentation of surface transportation research efforts and determine how increased coordination in such efforts may be achieved; (3) compare the role of the Federal Government with the role of foreign governments in promoting transportation research and evaluate the appropriateness of United States policy on government-sponsored surface transportation research; (4) identify barriers to innovation in surface transportation systems; (5) examine the range of funding arrangements available for surface transportation research and development and the level of resources currently available for such purposes; and (6) identify surface transportation research areas and opportunities, including opportunities for international cooperation offering potential benefit to the Nation's surface transportation system, assess the relative priority of such research areas and plans, and develop a plan for national surface transportation research and development which includes short-range and long-range objectives. (d) MEMBERSHIP.— (1) APPOINTMENT.—The Council shall be composed of 7 members as follows: (A) Three members appointed by the President. (B) One member appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. (C) One member appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives. (D) One member appointed by the majority leader of the Senate. (E) One member appointed by the minority leader of the Senate. (2) QUALIFICATIONS. —