Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 3.djvu/66

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105 STAT. 1950 PUBLIC LAW 102-240—DEC. 18, 1991 in an urban area or a high truck-volume route in a rural area. "(C) PERIOD OF AVAILABILITY OF DISCRETIONARY FUNDS.— Sums made available pursuant to this paragraph shall remain available until expended.". 23 USC 118. (c) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.— Section 118(d) of such title is amended by striking "(b)(2)" and inserting "(b)(D". (d) ALASKA AND PUERTO RICO.— Section 118(f) of such title is amended by striking "on a Federal-aid system". SEC. 1021. FEDERAL SHARE. (a) IN GENERAL.— Section 120 of title 23, United States Code, is amended by striking subsections (a), (b), (c), and (d) and inserting the following new subsections: "(a) INTERSTATE SYSTEM PROJECTS.— Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the Federal share payable on account of any project on the Interstate System (including a project to add high occupancy vehicle lanes and a project to add auxiliary lanes but excluding a project to add any other lanes) shall be 90 percent of the total cost thereof, plus a percentage of the remaining 10 percent of such cost in any State containing unappropriated and unreserved public lands and nontaxable Indian lands, individual and tribal, exceeding 5 percent of the total area of all lands therein, equal to the percentage that the area of such lands in such State is of its total area; except that such Federal share payable on any project in any State shall not exceed 95 percent of the total cost of such project. "(b) OTHER PROJECTS. — Except as otherwise provided in this title, the Federal share payable on account of any project or activity carried out under this title (other than a project subject to subsection (a)) shall be— "(1) 80 percent of the cost thereof, except that in the case of any State containing nontaxable Indian lands, individual and tribal, and public domain lands (both reserved and unreserved) exclusive of national forests and national parks and monuments, exceeding 5 percent of the total area of all lands therein, the Federal share, for purposes of this chapter, shall be increased by a percentage of the remaining cost equal to the percentage that the area of all such lands in such State, is of its total area; or "(2) 80 percent of the cost thereof, except that in the case of any State containing nontaxable Indian lands, individual and tribal, public domain lands (both reserved and unreserved), national forests, and national parks and monuments, the Federal share, for purposes of this chapter, shall be increased by a percentage of the remaining cost equal to the percentage that the area of all such lands in such State is of its total area; except that the Federal share payable on any project in a State shall Contracts. not exceed 95 percent of the total cost of any such project. In any case where a State elects to have the Federal share provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, the State must enter into an agreement with the Secretary covering a period of not less than 1 year, requiring such State to use solely for purposes eligible for assistance under this title (other than paying its share of projects approved under this title) during the period covered by such agreement the difference between the State's share as provided in paragraph (2) and what its share would be if it elected to pay the share provided in paragraph (1) for all projects subject to such agreement.