Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 3.djvu/763

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PROCLAMATION 6320—AUG. 2, 1991 105 STAT. 2647 6. Each Party shall permit nationals, companies and organizations of the other Party to advertise their products and services (a) through direct agreement with the advertising media, including television, radio, print and billboard, and (b) by direct mail, including the use of enclosed envelopes and cards preaddressed to that national, company or organization. 7. Each Party shall permit nationals, companies and organizations of the other Party to conduct market studies, either directly or by contract, within its territory. To facilitate the conduct of market research, each Party, upon request of the other Party, shall make available to interested nationals, companies and organizations of that Party, non-confidential, non-proprietary market information within its possession. 8. Each Party shall permit commercial representations to stock and provide an adequate supply of samples and replacement parts for before and after sales service on a non-commercial basis. 9. Each Party shall facilitate direct contact between end-users in its territory and nationals, companies, and organizations of the other Party. Each Party shall create favorable conditions for direct contacts between its organizations and government institutions whose decisions affect potential sales and purchases of goods and services and nationals, companies, and organizations of the other Party. Each Party shall also encourage direct commercial transactions between Soviet organizations and U.S. nationals and companies, including those which act from either side as producers, end-users or buyers. 10. Each Party shall permit nationals, companies and organizations of the other Party to engage and serve as agents or consultants for nationals, companies or organizations of either Party and of third countries on prices and terms mutually agreed between the parties. Each Party shall permit nationals, companies and organizations of the other Party to engage its nationals, companies and organizations that act as distributors, provided that such nationals, companies or organizations are entitled to engage in such activities, on prices and terms mutually agreed between the parties. 11. Neither Party shall impose measures which unreasonably impair contractual or property rights or other interests acquired within its territory by nationals, companies and organizations of the other Party. 12. Nothing in paragraphs 1, 5 or 10 of this Article shall be interpreted to confer any rights under either Party's laws and procedures on entry and residence of aliens. Article VI.—Transparency 1. Each Party shall make available publicly on a timely basis all laws and regulations related to commercial activity, including trade, investment, taxation, banking, insurance and other financial services, transport and labor. 2. Each Party shall provide nationals, companies and organizations of the other Party with access to available non-confidential, non-proprie-