Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/343

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PUBLIC LAW 102-416—OCT. 14, 1992 106 STAT. 2137 SEC. 9. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. 25 USC 651 note. There are authorized to be appropriated $700,000 to carry out the provisions of this Act. Such siims shall remain available, without fiscal year limitation, until expended. Amend the title so as to read: "An Act to establish the Advisory Council on California Indian Policy, and for other purposes.". Approved October 14, 1992. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 2144: SENATE REPORTS: No. 102-441 (Select Cbmm. on Indian Affairs). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 138 (1992): Aug. 11, 12, considered and passed House. Oct. 2, considered and passed Senate, amended. Oct. 3, House concurred in Senate amendments. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, Vol. 28 (1992): Oct. 14, Presidential statement.