Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/855

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PUBLIC LAW 102-484—OCT. 23, 1992 106 STAT. 2649 (1) assist in bringing on line enough replacement power and modern energy efficiency measures and technologies in the states of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union so that the RBMK reactors may be shut down as soon as possible and placed in stable condition to prevent radiological contamination; (2) assist the states of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union in upgrading their other nuclear reactors to Westem standards of safety and in ensuring that all of their nuclear reactors receive routine maintenance and repairs; (3) encourage and provide technical assistance to Russia and Ukraine to enact domestic legislation governing nuclear reactor safety; (4) negotiate formal agreements for nuclear cooperation with Russia and Ukraine; (5) identify nuclear safety research as a principal focus of the soon-to-be created nuclear science centers in Ukraine and Russia; and (6) make greater resources available to the International Atomic Energy Agency to promote programs of nuclear safety in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. (c) REPORTING REQUIREMENT.—Not later than 60 days after President. the date of enactment of this Act, the President shall submit to Congress a report with a systematic assessment of the nuclear reactor safety situation in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, with a description of specific bilateral and multilateral initiatives the Administration is taking and plans to take to address these nuclear safety issues. TITLE XXXin—NATIONAL DEFENSE STOCKPILE Subtitle A—Modernization Program SEC. 3301. DEFINITIONS. 50 USC 98d note. For purposes of this subtitle: (1) The terms "National Defense Stockpile" and "stockpile" mean the stockpile provided for in section 4 of the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act (50 U.S.C. 98c). (2) The term "National Defense Stockpile Transaction Fund" means the fund in the Treasury of the United States established under section 9(a) of the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act (50 U.S.C. 98h(a)). SEC. 3302. DISPOSAL OF OBSOLETE AND EXCESS BIATERIALS CON- 50 USC 98d note. TAINED IN THE NATIONAL DEFENSE STOCKPILE. (a) DISPOSAL AUTHORIZED. —Subject to the conditions specified in subsection (b), the President may dispose of obsolete and excess materials currently contained in the National Defense Stockpile in order to modernize the stockpile. The materials subject to disposal under this subsection and the quantity of each material authorized to be disposed of by the resident are set forth in the following table: Authorized Stockpile Disposals Material for disposal Quantity Aluminum Oxide, Abrasive Grain 51,022 short tons