Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 5.djvu/285

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PUBLIC LAW 102-550—OCT. 28, 1992 106 STAT. 3923 «SEC. 4U. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. 15 USC 2692. There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out the purposes of this title such sums as may be necessary.". (b) TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— The Toxic Substances Control Act (16 U.S.C. 2610) is amended as follows: (1) In paragraph (1) of section 7(a), strike "or 6" and insert 15 USC 2606. «6, or title l\r and after -5" insert "or title IV". (2) In the first sentence of subsection (a) of section 11: is use 26io. (A) Strike "or mixtures" before "are manufactured" and insert", nuxtures, or products subject to title IV". (B) Insert "such products," before "or such articles". (3) In paragraph (1) of subsection (b) of section 11, strike "or mixtures" and insert ", mixtures, or products subject to title IV". (4) in paragraph (1) of section 13(a), strike "or 6" in each 15 USC 2612. place it appears and insert ", 6, or title IV" and strike "or 7" and insert", 7 or title IV". (5) In section 16, insert "or 409" after "section 15" each 15 USC 2615. place it appears. (6) In section 17, amend subsection (a) to read as follows: 15 USC 2616. "(a) SPECIFIC ENFORCEMENT.— (1) The district courts of the United States shall have jurisdiction over civil actions to— "(A) restrain any violation of section 15 or 409, "(B) restrain any personfiromtaking any action prohibited by section 5, 6, or title IV, or by a rule or order under section 5,6, or title IV, "(C) compel the taking of any action required by or under this Act, or "(D) direct any manufacturer or processor of a chemical substance, mixture, or product subject to title IV manufactured or processed in violation of section 5, 6, or title IV, or a rule or order under section 5, 6, or title TV, and distributed in commerce, (i) to give notice of such fact to distributors in commerce of such substance, mixture, or product and, to the extent reasonably ascertainable, to other persons in possession of such substance, mixture, or product or exposed to such substance, mixture, or product, (ii) to give public notice of fu^iic such risk of iiyury, and (iii) to either replace or repurchase "^"nationsuch substance, nuxture, or product, whicnever the person to which the requirement is directed elects.". (7) In the first sentence of subsection (b) of section 17— (A) strike "or mixture" afl»r "Any chemical substance" and inserting ", mixture, or product subject to title IV"; and (B) insert "product," before "or article" in each place that it appears. (8) In section 19— 15 USC 2618. (A) In the first sentence of subsection (a), after "title ir insert "or IV". (B) Before the semicolon at the end of subsection (a)(3)(B) insert "and in the case of a rule under title IV, thefindingrequired for the issuance of such a rule". (9) In section 20(a)(l) after "title II" insert "or IV" in 15 USC 2619. each place it appears. (10) Add at the end of the table of contents in section 1 the following: