Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 2.djvu/567

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PUBLIC LAW 103-272—JULY 5, 1994 108 STAT. 1283 (1) adapt the property or facility to the needs of civil aeronautics; (2) lease the property or facility for not more than 20 years; (3) make a contract, or provide directly, for facilities and services; (4) make reasonable charges for aeronautical services; and (5) acquire an interest in property. (b) CREDITING APPROPRIATIONS.—Money received from the direct sale or charge that the Secretary of Transportation or Commerce, as appropriate, decides is equivalent to the cost of facilities and services sold or provided under subsection (a)(3) and (4) of this section is credited to the appropriation from which the cost was paid. The balance shall be deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. (c) USING OTHER GOVERNMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICES.— To carry out this chapter and to use personnel and facilities of the United States Government most advantageously and without unnecessary duplication, the Secretary of Transportation or Commerce, as appropriate, shall request, when practicable, to use a facility or service of an appropriate department, agency, or instrumentality of the (Government on a reimbursable basis. A department, agency, or instrumentality receiving a request under this section may provide the facility or service. (d) ADVERTISING NOT REQUIRED. — Section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (41 U.S.C. 5) does not apply to a lease or contract made by the Secretary of Transportation or Commerce under this chapter. § 47306. Criminal penalty A person that knowingly and willfully violates a regulation prescribed by the Secretary of Transportation to carry out this chapter shall be fined under title 18, imprisoned for not more than 6 months, or both. CHAPTER 475—NOISE SUBCHAITER I—NOISE ABATEMENT Sec 47501. Definitions. 47502. Noise measurement and exposure systems and identifying land use compatible with noise exposure. 47503. Noise exposure maps. 47504. Noise compatibility programs. 47505. Airport noise compatibility planning grants. 47506. Limitations on recovering damages for noise. 47507. Nonadmissibility of noise exposure map and related information as evidence. 47508. Noise standards for air carriers and foreign air carriers providing foreign air transportation. SUBCHAPTER II-NATIONAL AVIATION NOISE POLICY 47521. Findings. 47522. Definitions. 47523. Nationjd aviation noise policy. 47524. Airport noise and access restriction review program. 47525. Decision about airport noise and access restrictions on certain stage 2 aircraft. 47526. Limitations for noncomplying airport noise and access restrictions. 47527. Liability of the United States Government for noise damages. 47528. Prohibition on operating certain aircraft not complying with stage 3 noise levels. 47529. Nonaddition rule.