Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/1056

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108 STAT. 4546 PUBLIC LAW 103-434—OCT. 31, 1994 SEC. 815. FEASranJTY STUDIES. 96 Stat. 1181. (a) ALTERNATE USES. — Section 3 of Public Law 97-273, as amended by section 12(b) of Public Law 100-516 (102 Stat. 2572), is amended by striking "Dakota," and inserting "Dakota and all Indian tribes residing on reservations within the State of South Dakota,". (b) WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SYSTEMS. —Section 12 of the Act (102 Stat. 2572) is amended by adding at the end the following: "(c) WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SYSTEMS.—(1) The Secretary is authorized and directed, in consultation with the Oglala Sioux Tribe, Rosebud Sioux Tribe and Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, to conduct feasibility studies on the need to develop waste water disposal facilities and systems, and rehabilitate existing waste water disposal facilities and systems, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Rosebud Indian Reservation and Lower Brule Indian Reservation, and to report to the Congress the findings of such studies along with his recommendations. "(2) The feasibility studies authorized under this subsection shall be completed and presented to Congress within one year after the date that funds are first made available by the Secretary to complete the studies.". TITLE IX—BELLE FOURCHE IRRIGATION PROJECT SEC. 901. EXPANSION OF BELLE FOURCHE IRRIGATION PROJECT. (a) AUTHORIZATION OF ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES.— The Act entitled "An Act to authorize rehabilitation of the Belle Fourche irrigation project, and for other purposes." (Public Law 98-157, 97 Stat. 989) is amended in the first section— (1) by striking "That the general" and inserting in lieu thereof, so as to appear immediately after and below the enacting clause, the following: "SECTION 1. (a) The general plan for"; and (2) by adding at the end the following: "(b)(1) In addition to the activities authorized under subsection (a), the general plan for the Belle Fourche project is modified to include the following: "(A) Rehabilitation of the following msgor water control structures' "(i) The Whitewood Siphon, "(ii) 2 Belle Fourche dam outlets. "(B) Lining at South Canal and rehabilitation of Johnson Lateral for water conservation. "(C) Replacement or rehabilitation of deteriorated canal bridges. "(D) Provision of minor lateral rehabilitation and contract support work by the Belle Fourche irrigation district. "(E) Conduct of a detailed study of project-wide water use management and implementation of improved management practices for the purpose of achieving optimal conservation of water supplies. "(2) The Federal share of the cost of activities under this subsection, may not exceed $10,500,000. The State share of those