Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/157

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PUBLIC LAW 103-448—NOV. 2, 1994 108 STAT. 4725 commodities in an amount equal to the amount the school received in the prior year under the school lunch program under this Act and under the school breakfast program under section 4 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, adjusted for inflation and fluctuations in enrollment. "(B) Commodities required for the pilot project in excess of the amount of commodities received by the school in the prior year under the school lunch program and the school breakfast program may be funded from amounts appropriated to carry out this section. "(6)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), a school conducting a pilot project under this subsection shall receive a total Federal reimbursement under the school lunch program and school breakfast program in an amount equal to the total Federal reimbursement for the school in the prior year under each such program (adjusted for inflation and fluctuations in enrollment). "(B) Funds required for the pilot project in excess of the level of reimbursement received by the school in the prior year (adjusted for inflation and fluctuations in enrollment) may be taken from any non-Federal source or from amounts appropriated to carry out this subsection. If no appropriations are made for the pilot projects, schools may not conduct the pilot projects. "(7)(A) The Secretary shall require each school conducting a pilot project under this subsection to submit to the Secretary documentation sufficient for the Secretary, to the extent practicable, to— "(i) determine the effect that participation by schools in the pilot projects has on the rate of student participation in the school lunch program and the school breakfast program, in total and by various income groups; "(ii) compare the quality of meals served under the pilot project to the quality of meals served under the school lunch program and the school breakfast program during the school year immediately preceding participation in the pilot project; "(iii) summarize the views of students, parents, and administrators with respect to the pilot project; "(iv) compare the amount of administrative costs under the pilot project to the amount of administrative costs under the school lunch program and the school breakfast program during the school year immediately preceding participation in the pilot project; "(v) determine the reduction in paperwork under the pilot project from the amount of paperwork under the school lunch and school breakfast programs at the school; and "(vi) determine the effect of participation in the pilot project on sales of, and school policy regarding, a la carte and competitive foods. "(B) Not later than January 31, 1998, the Secretary shall submit Reports, to the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry of the Senate a report containing— "(i) a description of the pilot projects approved by the Secretary under this subsection; "(ii) a compilation of the information received by the Secretary under paragraph (1) as of this date from each school conducting a pilot project under this subsection; and "(iii) an evaluation of the program by the Secretary.