Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/41

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PUBLIC LAW 103-439—NOV. 2, 1994 108 STAT. 4609 (7) Sections (i) and (j) of article III of the compact are 99 Stat. 1884, amended to read as follows: ^^^^• "i) The Commission may: "1) Enter into an agreement with any person to allow waste from outside the region to be disposed of at facilities in the region. However, no such agreement shall be effective unless and until ratified by a law enacted by the party state to which the waste would be sent for disposal. "2) Enter into an agreement with any person to allow waste described in Article VII(a)(6) to be treated, stored, or disposed of at regional facilities. However, no such agreement shall be effective unless and until ratified by a law enacted by the host state of the regional facility to which the waste would be sent for treatment, storage, or disposal. "3) Enter into an agreement with any person to allow waste from outside the region to be treated or stored at facilities in the region. However, any such agreement shall be revoked as a matter of law if, within one year of the effective date of the agreement, a law is enacted ordering such revocation by the party state to which the waste would be sent for treatment or storage. "4) Approve, or enter into an agreement with any person for, the export of waste from the region. "5) Approve the disposal of waste generated within the region at a facility in the region other than a regional facility, subject to the limitations of Articles V(f) and VII(a)(6). "6) Require that waste generated within the region be treated or stored at available regional facilities, subject to the limitations of Articles V(f), VII(a)(3) and VII(a)(6). "7) Appear as an intervenor or party in interest before any court of law or any federal, state or local agency, board or commission in any matter related to waste management. In order to represent its views, the Commission may arrange for any expert testimony, reports, evidence or other participation. "8) Review the emergency closure of a regional facility, determine the appropriateness of that closure, and take whatever actions are necessary to ensure that the interests of the region are protected, provided that a party state with a total volume of waste recorded on low-level radioactive waste manifests for any year that is less than 10 percent of the total volume recorded on such manifests for the region during the same year shall not be designated a host state or be required to store the region's waste. In determining the 10 percent exclusion, there shall not be included waste recorded on lowlevel radioactive waste manifests by a person whose principal business is providing a service by arranging for the collection, transportation, treatment, storage or disposal of such waste. "9) Take any action which is appropriate and necessary to perform its duties and functions as provided in this compact. "10) Suspend the privileges or revoke the membership of a party state, "j) The Commission shall: "1) Submit within 10 days of its execution to the governor and the appropriate officers of the legislative body of the party state in which any affected facility is located a copy of any