Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/913

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PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 109 STAT. 1885 AMMBX I (con.) - 18- 14. TCRs 2 through 6. Inclusive, for chapter 34 are deleted, TOR 7 is renumbered as TCR 10, and the following new TCRs are Inserted in numerical sequence: "2. (A) A Chang* to (UbhMdIiws 3402.11 through 3402.12 frcM any othw headins, axcapt to Hnaar alkylbanzana aulfonfc ac:!d or linaar alkylbanzana aulfanata* of aUbhaaitfng 3402.11 fren Ifnaar alkylbanzana of sufahawlliw 3817.10; or (8) A Chang* to 8ti«i*ad{i«s 3402.11 through 3402.12 fr«M any other (tMaading, including wwthar aubboading Mithin h*adii« 3402, Mhathar or not thara is alao a changa froM any other heading, provided thar* ia a ragional valu* contant of not laa* than: (1) <5 parcant Hhara the tranaaction valua aathod la uaad, or <2> SO parcant uhar* th* nat coat aathod la uaad. 3. A changa to aubheading 3402.13 froai any other aiMaading. 4. (A) A Chang* to aiiaheading 3402.19 frea any other heading; or (8) A chai«* to aubheading 3402.19 from «iy other aubheading Hithin heading 3402. ahathar or not th*r* ia alao a chang* frsn any other heading, provided thar* i* a ragional valua contant of not laaa than: (1) <S parcant rfiar* tin* tranaaction valu* aathod ia uaad, or <2) 50 parcant Nhare ttia nat coat aathod 1* uaad. 5. (A) A changa to aubheadinga 3402.20 through 3402.90 from any aubheading outaide that groip; or (8) A chMig* to aubheadinga 3402.20 through 34..2.90 from any oth*r aubheading uithtn that grei^, uhathar or not thar* i* alao a chang* from any aiWiaading outatda that grei^, provided thar* ia a ragional valua contant of not laaa than: (1) tli parcant rfiara the tranaaction valua aetltad i* uaad, or <2) 50 parcant whara the nat coat aathod ia uaad. 6. A Chang* to aiAheadinga 3403.11 through 3403.99 frea any other aiMaading, including another aiMaading uithin that group. 7. A changa to aubheadinga 3404.10 through 3404.90 from any other aiMaading, including another aubheading Mithin that group. 8. A Chang* to *i*h«ading* 3405.10 through 3405.40 from any other atttiaadiiw, includir« another aiMiaading uithin that grotp. 9. (A> A chang* to aubheading 3405.90 from any other heading; or (8) A changa to aubheading 3405.90 from any other aubheading Kithin headirw 3405, Nhathar or not th*re ia alao a changa from any other heading, provided thara ia a ragional valua contant of not laaa than: (1> 65 parcant Mhar* th* tranaaction valua aathod la uaad, or <2) 50 parcant ahara th* nat coat aathod ia uaad."