Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/951

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PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 109 STAT. 1923 Annex II (con.) - 23- 93. (con.) (b). Th« axtld* dascriptton of aubheading 3002.10.00 la aodiflad by adding at the end thereof the expreaalon "aod Modified tiMiiiinloglcal producta, vhetbar or not obtained by aeana of blotecfanologlcal preceaaea'. (e). Subheadlnga 3002.31.00, the aiqperlor text thereto reading *Vacclnea for veteirlnary Bedlclna:*, and 3002.39.00 are auperaeded by the following: •300Z.30.W Mccinn for vtttrtnMY BKlfclm rra* Free* 94. The article deacrlption of:iieading 3006 la Modified to read am follova: •VharaMiiitlcal goad* (pteffttd fn iwte 4 tD this duptari" 95. Subdlvlalon (e) of note 1 to chapter 31 la Modified by deleting xiM expreaalon 'heading 3823' and inaertlng the expreaalon "loading 3824* In lieu thereof. - 96(a). Subheading 3201.30.00 la deleted. (b). Subheading 3201.90.20 la redealgnated aa 3201.90.25, and die article deacrlption of auch atibheading 3201.90.25 la auperaeded by the following: •Extracts of'esnslars, dMstnut, eun^sy, d1v1-4lvl, sucalyptus, iMblsr, ksalocfc, lank, —ysw, ^mtalsn, oak, mmme, tsrs, tauWtoy ar valsnia* 97. Subheading 3206.10.00 la auperaeded by tbm following: Dthsr...!] •Plaamts and prfparatlansfaassdon tltanlia diaxidas SI0ft.11.0a Csntalning n parcant or aora by tialilit of tltanlia dlaaldt catcutatad on the dry iialaht iK Free (A*,U.E, SOX ll,J.MO 3206.19.00 Other « Free U*,«.f, 3C9P Conforming change: General note 4(d) la Modified by deleting "3206.10.00 India* and by inaertlng In lieu thereof "3206.11.00 India* and "3206.19.00 India*. 98. The article deacrlption of subheading 3214.10.00 la Modified to read aa followa: ••tailars' putty, araftlni putty, raaln eoaonts, caulklna coapaundt and other aaatlca; paintara' flUlMS*. 99. Subparagraph (a) of note 1 to chapter 33 la auperaeded by the following:

  • (a> Natural olaaraatna er vaaataUa oatraets »f hoadlne 1S01 or 1S0Z;*

100. Motea 2 and 3 to chapter 33 are redealgnated aa notaa 3 and 4, raapectively, and tti» following new note 2 la inaerted:

  • 2. Tha anpraaalon "nlnrtfirniB HJHtOTtf* <» headlna 5S0I rsfars only to the aitetaneaa af headlfif

J501, to adarlfaraui canatltuants Isolatad fron thoaa aubataneas ar to aynthatle araatlcs.*