Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/512

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Ill STAT. 2600 PUBLIC LAW 105-135—DEC. 2, 1997 under this subparagraph, in order to ensure compHance with this subparagraph by those grantees and recipients of assistance."; (3) in paragraph (6), by adding at the end the following: " (E) ESTABLISHMENT OF CHILD CARE OR TRANSPOR- TATION BUSINESSES.—In addition to other eligible small businesses concerns, borrowers under any program under this subsection may include individuals who will use the loan proceeds to establish for-profit or nonprofit child care establishments or businesses providing for-profit transportation services."; (4) in paragraph (9)— (A) by striking the paragraph designation and paragraph heading and inserting the following: " (9) GRANTS FOR MANAGEMENT, MARKETING, TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE, AND RELATED SERVICES. — "; and (B) by adding at the end the following: " (C) WELFARE-TO-WORK MICROLOAN INITIATIVE. —Of amounts made available to carry out the welfare-to-work microloan initiative under paragraph (l)(A)(iv) in any fiscal year, the Administration may use not more than 5 percent to provide technical assistance, either directly or through contractors, to welfare-to-work microloan initiative grantees, to ensure that, as grantees, they have the knowledge, skills, and understanding of microlending and welfare-to-work transition, and other related issues, to operate a successful welfare-to-work microloan initiative."; and (5) by adding at the end the following: Reports. " (13) EVALUATION OF WELFARE-TO-WORK MICROLOAN INITIA- TIVE.—On January 31, 1999, and annually thereafter, the Administration shall submit to the Committees on Small Business of the House of Representatives and the Senate a report on any monies distributed pursuant to paragraph (4)(F).". 15 USC 636 note. (b) TRANSFER OF FUNDS.— (1) IN GENERAL.—No funds are authorized to be appropriated or otherwise provided to carry out the grant program under section 7(m)(4)(F) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(m)(4)(F)) (as added by this section), except by transfer from another department or agency of the Federal Government to the Administration in accordance with this subsection. (2) LIMITATION ON AMOUNTS. — The total amount transferred to the Administration from other departments and agencies of the Federal Government to carry out the grant program under section 7(m)(4)(F) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(m)(4)(F)) (as added by this section) shall not exceed— (A) $3,000,000 for fiscal year 1998; (B) $4,000,000 for fiscal year 1999; and (C) $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2000. Subtitle B—Small Business Investment Company Program SEC. 211. 5-YEAR COMMITMENTS FOR SBICs AT OPTION OF ADMINIS- TRATOR. Section 20(a)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 631 note) is amended in the last sentence by striking "the following fiscal