Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/713

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PROCLAMATION 6948—OCT. 29, 1996 111 STAT. 2801 Modifications to the HTS with respect to the Special Import Quota for Upland Cotton Effective as of the date of publication of this proclamation in the Federal Register, the following new provisions are hereby inserted in numerical sequence in subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTS. with the language inserted in the colunns entitled "Heading/Subheading". "Article Description". and "Quota Quantity", respectively. The HTS is modified as provided in this annex, with bracketed matter included to assist in the understanding of proclaimed modifications. [NotMlthtttndina wy other...:) • 9903.52.21 Purchasad and antarad pursuant to the Sacratary of Agrlcultura's tpaclal Cotton laport Quota AnnowicaBant Nuiter 21 Tha quantity apaciflad In such arawuncaaiant 9903.52.22 Purehaaad and antarad pursuant to the Sacratary of Agrlcultura's Spacial Cotton laport Quota Announcaaant NuriDar 22 Tha quantity spaclflad in such announcaaiant 9903.52.23 Purchssad and antarad pursuant totha Sacratary of Agricultura's Spaclat Cotton laport Quota Announcaaiant Nuiter 23 Tha quantity spacifiad in such anneuncanant 9903.52.24 Purehaaad and antarad pursuant totha Sacratary of Agricuttura'a Spacial Cotton Isport Quota AnnemeaMnt Nuifcar 24 Tha quantity spacifiad in such announcaaiant 9903.52.25 Purchasad and antarad pursuant totha Sacratary of Agricultura's Spacial Cotton Import Quota Annnuncsawwt Miabar 25 Tha quantity spacifiad in auch amowwiBant 9903.52.26 Purchasad and antarad pursuant to the Sacratary of Agricultura's Spacial Cotton laport Quota AmouncaiBsnt Ntabar 26 Tha quantity spacifiad in such announcaawnt*' Annex II Section A. Modifications to the HTS. (1). Effective with respect to articles entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after January 1. 1994: (a). In the additional U.S. notes to Section XI listed below, the expression "Imports from Canada" Is deleted wherever It appears in such note and the expression "articles the product of Canada" is Inserted in lieu thereof. additional U.S. note 3(a) additional U.S. note 4(c) additional U.S. note 3(f) additional U.S. note 5(a) additional U.S. note 4(«) additional U.S. note 5(c) (b). In the additional U.S. notes to Section XI listed below, the expression "imports from Mexico" is deleted wherever It appears in such note and the expression "articles the product of Mexico" is Inserted in lieu thereof. additional U.S. note 3(b) additional U.S. note 4(b) additional U.S. note 3(c) additional U.S. note 4(d) additional U.S. note 3(d) additional U.S. note 5(b) additional U.S. note 3(e) additional U.S. note S(d) additional U.S. note 3(g) (c). Subdivision (c) of U.S. note 1 to subchapter XIII of chapter 98 of the HTS Is modified by Inserting the expression ", for processing," after "imported Into the United States".