Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/834

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Ill STAT. 2922 PROCLAMATION 7008—MAY 30, 1997 (c). (con.) 9114.90.30 9114.9 0.40 9114.90.50 9209.91.8 0 9302. 00.00 9305.1 0.2 0 9404.29.10 9506.99.08 9507.10.00 9507. 30. 20 Annsx II (cont inued) 9507.30.40 9507. 90. 70 9603. 10.05 9603.10.1 5 9603.10.35 9603.1 0.4 0 9603.10.50 9603. 10.60 9608.31.00 9608.39.00 9608.50.00 9612.2 0.00 9616.20.00 HTS Subheading 0802 1604 1604 290 5 2909 29 17 2933 2933 4104. 4107, 4203. 90.9 4 .16.10 .16.30 .11.20 .19.14 .37.00 .39.25 . 40.30 ,39.20 .90.60 .21.20 Annex III Harmoniied Tariff Schedule of the United States ("HTS" Subh eadi ngs an d Coun triea Granted W aiv er* of the Application of Section 503(c)(2)(A) of the 1974 Act Count ry Cote d'lvoire Morocco Mo roc co Ven ezue la Vene zue la Ro mani a Braz il Brazil Tha iland South Africa I ndone sia HTS Subheading 6905 8414 8469. 8471. 8471. 8517. 8517. 8527. 8527. 8527. 9032. . 10.00 .30.40 .12.00 . 49.26 .60.35 . 19.40 . 19.80 .21.10 31.40 90.90 89.60 Country Vene zuel a Brazil Indonesi a Thail and T hailan d Tha iland Thai land Brazil Indone sia Ph ilip pine s Phi lippines Staged Rate Modifications to the Harmonized T ariff Schedu le of the United States ("HTS") rrm^d^f?fH^;i",°°°^-'°;'S'" °802.90.98, the Rates of Duty 1-General subcolumn ifi^^fio fK f»""«'^y 1 °' "ch of the years indicated in the table below by du'ty'i^cif?erfo'r:2ch*y:a:f '"'^ '"" '"""""' '" '" "»"°^ '"• "'• °' HTS Subheading 0802.90.94 0802.90.98 13S1 7 C/k3 7e /k3 1999 6e/kg 6C/kg 2332 5C/kg SC/kg Proclamation 7008 of May 30, 1997 Small Business Week, 1997 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation America was built on the enterprise of our people—on their ideas, their energy, their willingness to take risks, and their willingness to pursue their dreams. Throughout the decades, men and women of independence, optimism, and determination have come to our shores, confident in the knowledge that in America they could build a life for themselves and their families through their own initiative, creating and developing businesses in every field of endeavor. The success of the small business community has been a hallmark of our free enterprise system, helping to drive the engine of America's economy as we compete in the global marketplace. The invaluable contributions of small business owners to the strength of our economy are reflected in some extraordinary statistics. The recent record growth of the small business community has resulted in 840,000 new employer