Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 1.djvu/209

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PUBLIC LAW 105-178-^JUNE 9, 1998 112 STAT. 183 or identified individually in the transportation improvement program. "(C) CONSISTENCY WITH LONG-RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN.— Each project shall be— "(i) consistent with the long-range transportation plan developed under this section for the State; "(ii) identical to the project as described in an approved metropolitan transportation improvement program; and "(iii) in conformance with the applicable State air quality implementation plan developed under the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.), if the project is carried out in an area designated as nonattainment for ozone or carbon monoxide under such Act. "(D) REQUIREMENT OF ANTICIPATED FULL FUNDING. — The program shall include a project, or an identified phase of a project, only if full funding can reasonably be anticipated to be available for the project within the time period contemplated for completion of the project. "(E) FINANCIAL PLAN. —The transportation improvement program may include a financial plan that demonstrates how the approved transportation improvement program can be implemented, indicates resources from public and private sources that are reasonably expected to be made available to carry out the plan, and recommends any additional financing strategies for needed projects and programs. The financial plan may include, for illustrative purposes, additional projects that would be included in the adopted transportation plan if reasonable additional resources beyond those identified in the financial plan were available. " (F) SELECTION OF PROJECTS FROM ILLUSTRATIVE LIST.— "(i) No REQUIRED SELECTION. —Notwithstanding subparagraph (E), a State shall not be required to select any project from the illustrative list of additional projects included in the financial plan under subparagraph (E). "(ii) REQUIRED ACTION BY THE SECRETARY. — Action by the Secretary shall be required for a State to select any project from the illustrative list of additional projects included in the financial plan under subparagraph (E) for inclusion in an approved transportation improvement program. "(G) PRIORITIES. —The program shall reflect the priorities for programming and expenditures of funds, including transportation enhancement activities, required by this title. "(3) PROJECT SELECTION FOR AREAS OF LESS THAN 5O,OOO POPULATION.— "(A) IN GENERAL.— Projects carried out in areas with populations of less than 50,000 individuals (excluding projects carried out on the National Highway System and projects carried out undef the bridge program or the Interstate maintenance program) shall be selected, from the approved statewide transportation improvement program, by the State in cooperation with the affected local officials.